Celery Ginger Lemon Juice Recipe

Celery Ginger Lemon Juice Recipe

Celery Ginger Lemon Juice is a delicious yet healthy drink rich in vital vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals, calcium, folate, and potassium. This drink is also good for digestion, the nervous system, and bones. This celery ginger lemon juice is sugar-free and low in sodium. It has flavors of green apple, celery, cucumbers.


Celery Ginger Lemon Juice Recipe


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  1. 1 bunch celery
  2. 1/2 cucumber
  3. 1/2 green apple
  4. 1/2 inch raw ginger
  5. 1/2 lemon
  6. water



  1. Coarsely chop all the ingredients and blend it in a blender to form a thick paste.
  2. Add water and again blend well. Strain the celery mixture and serve it immediately.


Till the next recipe,
Cook Healthy Stay Fit.


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Categories: Drinks
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